Monday, May 27, 2013

Review: The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

I recently finished reading a book called "The Adoration of Jenna Fox". The aesthetics of the cover are very interesting. It consists of a girls face made up of puzzle pieces, and there are blue spaces where the puzzle pieces are missing. The reason behind the cover becomes obvious once you reach about three-forths of the novel.


I picked this up at random while at the library and I was not disappointed
The novel has a very interesting plotline that talks greatly about the ethics of her certain situation. The beginning can be a little slow but once you reach the middle, it’s extremely addicting. It takes place in the future, although the author does not specify when ( I assume it takes place sometime in the next century). Jenna Fox was in a coma for a year before she wakes up. She has no memory of her past whatsoever nor of her family. Much of the first half of the novel consists of her trying to figure out who Jenna Fox really was. I really enjoyed this novel although I would not recommend it to everybody. I just think that many impatient people would just give up and stop reading this book because the first half isn't that great. If you are in this situation where you are really bored reading this, just keep reading! I promise, it gets better. One more thing, this book is actually the start of a trilogy. The second book is called The Fox Inheritance, and the third book is called Fox Forever. I'm curious to see how these books are because personally, I think this should be a stand alone book. I don't think a second one needs to be written, but I do want to read it because I am curious. When I do read it their will definitely be a review of it on this blog. Has anyone read any good books lately? Leave a comment below! Bye!


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