Saturday, July 27, 2013

Review: Insurgent by Veronica Roth

I finished reading Insurgent by Veronica Roth about a month ago, but a lent it to friend before I was able to take pictures of it. But I can't wait any longer to write a blog post about it! So I'm going to have to update the pictures later.

This is how the original cover look like...

... and this is how the new cover looks like.

Personally, I like the original cover better. I don’t see why they have to change such a pretty cover in the first place. Okay, I'm done with my rant now. This book is a sequel to Divergent and I also have a review on that as well ( check it out here). Even though I did enjoy this book, it wasn't as good as the first book. I feel like this book had to many high points, where eventually, you didn't know what the climax was supposed to be.
Although it wasn't as good as the first one, it was a really good book and I did enjoy it. One thing I thought was interesting was that the first book ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, and this book started off exactly where it ended. Similarly, this book ended on a cliffhanger as well. I feel like the endings of these two books lacked a bit of an ending, as if the entire plot was one really big book that was split up into three pieces. But that's how I think a sequel should be; not one book that was really good but with two or more sequels that felt like the author was just writing because the first book was successful (which sadly seems to be happening more often).
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes action and excitement in a book. Although, you wouldn't understand it fully unless you read the first book. The third (and last) book is called Allegiant and is coming out  October 22, 2013 and I couldn't be more excited! Veronica Roth also has a blog and her blog she has a timer counting down the release of Allegiant (click here to see it).
A movie is also in the process for Divergent and I can't wait till it comes out! Is anyone planning to see the midnight premier? I know I am.







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