Friday, August 16, 2013

And the School Year Begins Again...

I know I haven't blogged as much as I want to. I wanted to do a bunch  of book reviews, but , a embarrassing as it is, I haven't really read any books this summer. I did read Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas recently and there is a review on that coming up (a heads-up: it's amazing!) I'm also reading World War Z right now. With a new school year coming up, this is the time to start over and make goals for yourself. These are mine.

First off, I want to read at least 25 books on my own ( as in for pleasure and not for school) and upload a book review for all of them whether I liked them or not. This might be difficult for me because I read super slowly; I rather not rush a good book and indulge in it for as long as possible. these books include all four books written by John Green (not including Will Greyson because he wrote it with other people). They are called The Fault in Our Stars, Looking For Alaska, Paper Towns, and An Abundance of Katherines.  I am also planning to read 13 Reasons Why.

As for goals not relating to Composition Critique, I want to upload a blog post a week on  my fashion blog. I also want to get amazing grades at school this year ( I'm an incoming sophomore, I case you were wondering). I also want to stop procrastinating, keep my room clean, make more friends/become more social, since I am a bit on the shy and quiet side (at least around people who aren't my friends). I also want to be more active and exercise more often, and write and paint more often.  This school I'm gonna try to be the best me possible. How about you?

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