Monday, November 4, 2013

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Back Cover:
Inside cover:

A lot of people have heard of and read 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher. If you haven't, it's about a girl (Hannah Baker) who commits suicide because of 13 people and she sends a shoebox filled with cassette tapes for the people to listen to. She sends it to the first one, and then they send it to the next one on the list. The book follows Clay as he listens to the tapes for the first time, but he is confused. Why is he on this list? What did he do? Is he the last one on the list? If so, what does he do with the tapes if he has no one to pass it on to? So many questions will be answered by the time you reach the end of the book.

I really enjoyed the book and I think she had a reason to commit suicide, even if the reasons in particular seem unimportant, she explains to an extent that you (or at least I) understood why she wanted to commit suicide. Some people are saying that her reasons weren't enough for someone to commit suicide. Whether she had a good enough reason or not, that's up to you. I think she did.

I would definitely recommend this book, especially to someone of at least thirteen years old. I think a lot of people would enjoy it (even the people that have told me that she didn't have a reason to commit suicide said that they enjoyed it and that they would recommend it to others). I also think that some people who might have been depressed or suicidal in the past would be able to relate to this book. This is just a guess though; I wouldn't know because I have never been suicidal or depressed before.

I really like this book because of the moral behind it. Basically, this revolves around the fact that you never know how your actions (even the smallest or "unimportant" ones) can affect someone else's life. I think people should read this book for that reason alone. If we really took that into account the next time we spoke or interacted with others, we would have no bullying or suicide (especially amongst teens). There would be a lot less racism, homophobia, and just plain old judgment towards others. People would feel a little more free to be themselves because there would be less fear of someone judging you and hurting you; we'd be a little more confident, comfortable, and proud to be who we are. If you get anything out of this book, it should be to really think about how your words and actions can affect others, even if they are done in a "jokingly" manner (because we know that every joke has a little bit of truth in it).  It really opens up your eyes on how what you do or say can really have an impact on someone's outlook on life and I think Jay Asher did a beautiful job of getting that point across. And for that, I applaud him.

P.S: A movie is going to be made for this book and I heard that it will be staring Selena Gomez as Hannah Baker and hopefully she will do an amazing job.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 2013 Book Haul!

I got books!

This is gonna be a small book haul, but an exciting one none the less. I normally don't buy books, I just check them out at the library, but I had some Barnes and Nobles gift cards so I thought I would pick up some books. I still have another gift card so I might have another haul on this blog in the future.

First up: Wuthering Heights.

Here's the back cover.
This is a classic and I have been wanting to read ever since I read a play version of this book five years ago. Better late than never! I believe you can only get this hardcover version at Barnes and Nobles. It actually came with a plastic wrap around it but I got too excited and ripped it off in the car. One thing I love about this version is that the sides of the pages are purple (silly thing to like, but I really do like this fact).
And I like the inside cover...
This is what you see when you first open the book
Enough with Wuthering Heights, lets get to the Book Thief!
Here's the description on the back cover:
I have been wanting to read this book for about a year and I am so excited that I'm finally doing it now! I think the back description isn't vague enough; I can somewhat predict what is going to happen. Hopefully the book holds many surprises and this is only a part of it. I think this is going to be a really good book. This book is also turning into a movie. I didn't know that until just now when I was inserting the first picture.
I am probably the most excited about the next book...



Finally! The third and final segment of the Divergent series! Divergent is one of my favorite books of all times and I am so excited to be reading Allegiant! Hopefully the series doesn't go downhill like so trilogies are nowadays. I have a review of Divergent here and a review on Insurgent (the second part of the series) here. I also really like the bottom of the front cover:
Some foreshadowing maybe? And this has never before seen journal entries included if you buy it from Barnes and Nobles!
So there it is, the three books I just bought. I will be doing a review on all of these books whether I like them or not. So stay tuned for that! I also in the middle of making two new book reviews (hint: they are both very popular books and are both turning into movies). They should be up either later this week or next week. Are there any books you've gotten lately? And what books should I get next? Comment below!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Warning: This is a fantastic but depressing book. You will probably cry.

I got the collector's edition because it's the same price as the original so I figured " Why not?". One reason why I picked this up is because I love watching the Vlogbrothers( which consists of John Green himself and his brother Hank Green. He always talks this book I decided that I would read it because John has a very nice, funny, and relatable personality and I hoped his book would be showcase that. I was right.

In case you can't read the description, here it is:

Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Agustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kids Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.

This book is so good and popular that you've probably already heard a thing or two about it. There is a major plot twist that I did not see coming. I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes a good and unique love story. On Vlogbrothers, John said that the movie would come out on June 6, 2014 in the United States and I am definitely planning to go to the midnight premier.
 Has anybody else this book? If so, what did you think about it?