Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 2013 Book Haul!

I got books!

This is gonna be a small book haul, but an exciting one none the less. I normally don't buy books, I just check them out at the library, but I had some Barnes and Nobles gift cards so I thought I would pick up some books. I still have another gift card so I might have another haul on this blog in the future.

First up: Wuthering Heights.

Here's the back cover.
This is a classic and I have been wanting to read ever since I read a play version of this book five years ago. Better late than never! I believe you can only get this hardcover version at Barnes and Nobles. It actually came with a plastic wrap around it but I got too excited and ripped it off in the car. One thing I love about this version is that the sides of the pages are purple (silly thing to like, but I really do like this fact).
And I like the inside cover...
This is what you see when you first open the book
Enough with Wuthering Heights, lets get to the Book Thief!
Here's the description on the back cover:
I have been wanting to read this book for about a year and I am so excited that I'm finally doing it now! I think the back description isn't vague enough; I can somewhat predict what is going to happen. Hopefully the book holds many surprises and this is only a part of it. I think this is going to be a really good book. This book is also turning into a movie. I didn't know that until just now when I was inserting the first picture.
I am probably the most excited about the next book...



Finally! The third and final segment of the Divergent series! Divergent is one of my favorite books of all times and I am so excited to be reading Allegiant! Hopefully the series doesn't go downhill like so trilogies are nowadays. I have a review of Divergent here and a review on Insurgent (the second part of the series) here. I also really like the bottom of the front cover:
Some foreshadowing maybe? And this has never before seen journal entries included if you buy it from Barnes and Nobles!
So there it is, the three books I just bought. I will be doing a review on all of these books whether I like them or not. So stay tuned for that! I also in the middle of making two new book reviews (hint: they are both very popular books and are both turning into movies). They should be up either later this week or next week. Are there any books you've gotten lately? And what books should I get next? Comment below!

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